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Christmas Eve Retiring Offerings

As in previous years, there will be a retiring offering at our Christmas Eve Services.

This year, in Killin, sticking roughly to our usual theme of giving to homeless Scots, it will go to the Highland Perthshire Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre, based in Aberfeldy Parish Church, which (amongst other debt services) helps people on the verge of becoming homeless through repossession.

The Centre manager, Angela Hanvey, and her team, which is drawn from church congregations across Highland Perthshire, will put our money to good use in the local area; helping those in debt, including those who may be about to lose their homes, by offering budgeting advice and negotiating with creditors.

The Aberfeldy CAP Debt Centre launched in November 2013. Their services are free and available to all and Angela would urge anyone in the local community to contact her if they or anyone they know is concerned about personal debt.

Balquhidder`s Christmas Eve Collection will be for Borderline, a small charity caring for Scots down on their luck in London. We have done this for some years and it is always heartening to read of families reunited or folk helped in finding accommodation in the big city.

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